Поиск по каталогу  |  Интер-Сервис      in-s АНО ВО "Волгоградский гуманитарный институт" АНО ВО "Волгоградский гуманитарный институт"
некоммерческая организация
высшего образования
«Волгоградский гуманитарный институт»
Всё о ВгГИ 

Иностранный язык


Вопросы к зачету


  1. My specialty.
  2. The sense organs: The sense of hearing.
  3. The senses of smell and taste.
  4. The sense organs: The sense of touch. The meaning of touch.
  5. The human brain and its functions.
  6. Personality — nature or nurture?
  7. What is intelligence? Psychometric approach.
  8. The brain gain.
  9. Memory.
  10. Stress.  
  11. History of stress research. 
  12. Perception.
  13. Illusions.
  14. Abnormal psychology.
  15. Mental disorders.
  16. The secrets of your dream.
  17. Bad body image.
  18. Physiognomy.


Перечень вопросов к экзамену


  1. My specialty.
  2. The sense organs: The sense of hearing.
  3. The senses of smell and taste.
  4. The sense organs: The sense of touch. The meaning of touch.
  5. The human brain and its functions.
  6. Personality — nature or nurture?
  7. What is intelligence? Psychometric approach.
  8. The brain gain.
  9. Memory.
  10. Stress.  
  11. History of stress research. 
  12. Perception.
  13. Illusions.
  14. Abnormal psychology.
  15. Mental disorders.
  16. The secrets of your dream.
  17. Bad body image.
  18. Physiognomy.


«Волгоградский гуманитарный институт» (ВгГИ)

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