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«Волгоградский гуманитарный институт»
Всё о ВгГИ 

Вопросы к зачету

Вопросы для подготовки к зачету по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

  1. My specialty .
  2. The main aspects of design.
  3. The History of Interior Design
  4. Famous designers.
  5. Colour design
  6. Art Deco.
  7. Origin of Art Deco
  8. Modern design.
  9. Pop Art.
  10. Design: development.
  11. Art Deco Visual Arts - Famous Artists
  12. Famous Russian designers.
  13. Art Deco in Russia.
  14. History of Pop Art.
  15. From the History of British Painting.
  16. Art and artists.
  17. Characteristics of Popular-Culture Arts Style
  18. Arts and crafts.
  19. Exhibitions.
  20. Photography.
  21. Culture aspects.
  22. Graphic design.
  23. Conversation.
  24. Presentation





«Волгоградский гуманитарный институт» (ВгГИ)

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